Heat Source Fuel Series: Natural Gas

As one of New Zealand’s leading boiler and burner specialists, Tubman Heating Limited takes you through the various fuel types used to power your heating system. Different industries and processes will have various requirements and regulations pertaining to their specific needs.

Natural Gas

A heat source uses a fuel substance that is heated up, from which the heat can be extracted or absorbed. These fuels, along with your heating system, generate energy in the form of power, steam, hot air, hot water and more. Natural Gas is a fossil fuel energy source formed deep beneath earth’s surface, over millions of years and extracted either vertically or horizontally through a production well. All natural gas in New Zealand is sourced from 15 fields within the Taranaki region, both onshore and offshore. Natural gas is only transmitted and distributed across the North Island.

A heating device such as a burner requires a fuel source (Natural Gas), an ignition source and oxygen to create combustion. The gas and oxygen ratio needs to be calculated based on the consumption rate of the boiler and the expected usage of the heating system. Synthetic methane, biomethane, and hydrogen and gas blend are currently compliant with NZS 5442. Natural gas is used in the petrochemical sector, fertiliser manufacturing, steel manufacturing, wood processing and dairy plants. Commercially natural gas is used in hotels, greenhouses and in food manufacturing.

The NZ Government’s 2050 target of net-zero and low emissions aims to replace natural gas with hydrogen and existing gas pipelines will be repurposed for hydrogen and biogas, most modern boiler systems will be able to continue use with biogas options, with only a burner modification or upgrade required. While in this transition phase, natural gas remains a reliable and affordable fuel source for our customers. Natural gas use in a boiler heating system offers more precise control and monitoring capabilities, including remote access.  Compared to other fossil fuels, natural gas produces the least amount of CO2 when heated, and only half as much as coal. Clean combustion, due to no particulate emissions reduces the wear on the burner and boiler.

For advice on fuel options and heating system requirements, please contact your local branch on

Auckland 09 444 5076

Hamilton 07 838 3080

Wellington 04 939 4334


Gas and Liquid Fuel Boiler Systems SNZ PAS 5312:2021

Gas Industry Co. www.gasindustry.co.nz